Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Women Trapped for 6 days

On May 4th Kristin Hopkins a mother of 4 was found and taken to the hospital after being stranded for 6 days trapped in her car. Her car went off a 120ft cliff along Highway 285 and Mrs. Hopkins does not remember any of it. Hopkins had no food or water during the time and when 2 strangers found her and called the ambulance her internal organs were shutting down and her body temperature was at 77 degrees. Both her feet as well we crushed in the accident and doctors had to amputate them. An umbrella might have been what saved her, Hopkins found an umbrella and wrote "hungry, thirsty, need doctor" and shoved it out the window. Mrs. Hopkins is now doing well and has left the hospital.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mothers Day Turns 100

Mothers Day turned 100 this last Sunday. Now a days it is known for brunches, flowers, gifts, ect. However it wasn't originally know for it, it was created as a day for mourning fallen soldiers. It started in the 1850s with Reeves Jarvis, held conventions to increase sanitation and also they tended to wounded soldiers. Anna Jarvis, Reeves daughter, however was the founder of the Mothers Day we are accustomed too today. After her mothers death. On May 10th gathered where Reeves lived and celebrated her death, the tradition began to spread. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson named it an official holiday.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Presidents Cinco De Mayo Party

On the 5th of May in the East Room of the White House, President Obama held reception/party in honor of Cinco De Mayo. He addressed the audience with a speech saying how Cinco De Mayo is an important day in history for Mexico and also the United States. In addition to addressing the historical importance of Cinco de Mayo he said "the best way to honor the past is to build a brighter future." Along with ensuring everyone a fair chance at the "American Dream."  He also said "I'm going to work with everybody who’s serious about strengthening our borders, modernizing our legal immigration system, keeping more families together, and getting this done. And it’s the right thing to do for our economy, for our security and our future."

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tornado kills 18

Tornadoes killed at least 18 people including 10 in Arkansas on Monday. 30 tornadoes were reported having touched down in seven different states on Monday. These tornadoes are from a severe storm line heading towards the Kentucky and Tennessee area.  In Vilonia Arkansas where the twister killed 10 residents, it completely leveled their whole town. The half-mile wide tornado left a 30 mile track through their town. Among the damage in Arkansas was a new $14 million dollar school building that has to completely be rebuilt due to the damage. The Sheriff of Vilonia was reported saying that he expects the death toll to rise as the debris is searched and cleared away.

Monday, March 31, 2014

World Explodes

The aliens from Mars made contact with the Earth this last month, threatening a explosion if the world did not give them all of their resources. The world community thinking it was all a hoax did not respond and or give the people of Mars what they needed. So as I am writing the world is blowing up, Mars has sent weapons of mass destruction to Earth. Our second strike capabilities are not equipped to attack Mars, so there is nothing that the world can do about it. Death is inevitable and the human population will never be able to recover.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lady Gaga

On March 14th Lady Gaga gave the keynote speech and performance at SXSW 2014. Gaga showed up to the event in a garbage bag wedding dress. During the speech/interview she talked about her childhood, and her struggles growing up, and information about her career now. She provided inspiration to people that are struggling to define their self and even said, "I will retire from the commercial market if I have to be something other than myself."  She went on to talk about her desire to stay an anti-label and pro-brand pop star. She then came up with the slogan "Don't sell out, sell in." 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Launching today is a new Disney app. This app called Disney Movies Anywhere allows people to watch/download digital movies from the internet to any ipod, ipad, iphone, ect. The launching of the app coincides with the release of Frozen and Thor. Disney Movies Anywhere also has special features such as being able to watch bonus features, watch new previews, and earn rewards with the purchases of movies through the app.  Disney's library is 400+ digital movies, and also for a  limited time anyone who signs up gets a free copy of The Incredibles.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Co-pilot 'Hijacks' Ethiopia

The co-pilot of an Ethiopian Airlines flight hijacked the plane heading for Rome on Monday. Authorities said the co-pilot, who was around the age of 30, hijacked the plane by locking the cockpit door when the pilot left to go to the bathroom. Swiss officials said that when the plane landed in Geneva the co-pilot climbed out of the cockpit down and rope and turned himself in. He says that he was a "pirate" and feared prosecution in his own country. The flight started in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital and was carrying around 200 passengers. Ethiopian Airlines forced the plane to land in Geneva and the passengers were escorted safely to vehicles once it did.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley Temple Passes Away

Shirley Temple Black passed away died late Monday night at the age of 85. She died of natural events at her home in California with her friends and family by her side. She began acting at the age of 3 and by the age of 10 she was earning $50,000 a movie. Her movies were popular during the 1930's but around 1940 her popularity began to fade, and Fox terminated her contract before she reached her teenage years. Shirley Temple Black was known for cork-screw curls, singing, and tap dancing. She retired from acting at age 22 and became a US diplomat from 1969-1974 and then became US ambassador for several different countries. Shirley Temple was arguably the most famous child star in Hollywood history.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

David Beckham bring Soccer to Miami

Major League Soccer officially announced the expansion of their franchise on Wednesday. David Beckham is expanding the franchise to Miami, with the building of a new stadium. This is the first time an ex-athlete has joined in owning part of the franchise. The new team is said to be able to start playing 2017 or 2016 possibly. Beckham is said to have bought the company for $25 million. People believe that this is a really risky move, not even the Miami heat sell out a whole stadium, so there are doubts about soccer. Beckham although is really positive about it and thinks it will be good in the area.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Strands Drivers in South

Last Thursday Atlanta got hit with weather conditions below freezing and 2.5 inches of snow. For many drivers the 10-15 minute commute to work became a 2 hour one. Many drivers even abandoned their cars, more than 3,000 people left their cars. There are still around 2,000 cars that officials have to go and clear from the roads as well. On Tuesdays officials began bringing people to their cars, in 4 wheel drive vehicles. This weather accounted for 10 deaths in the south. 5 in Alabama and the rest in North Carolina and Mississippi. Also, a baby was born during the snow storm because the parents could not reach the hospital in time, they named her Grace. On the bright side temperatures are expected to rise above freezing this week according to the National Weather Service.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Sochi 2014

The Sochi winter games is only a few days away but no expense has been spared. In preparation for the 2014 winter games it has been recorded that they spent $50 million dollars, Bejing in 2008 they spent arounf $40 million dollars. Some people are questioning what all that money funded, and there is apparently $20-30 million dollars not accounted for. The Russian leader, Nemstov, says the missing money most likely went into the construction of roads and housing for over 800,000 people. That still leaves a large some of money that is said to have to do with the the corrupt Russian Government. Nemstov is said to making this 14 day long event into his "personal project", sparing no expense and not caring about the safety of the people and environment.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Chris Christie

Chris Christie the governor of New Jersey is allegedly behind the shut down of the George Washington Bridge. The bridge is the busiest bridge in the world, and it leads from New York City to Fort Lee, NJ. The lanes were allegedly closed by some of Christie's aid and staffers because of the Mayor of Fort Lee's refusal to endorse Chris Christie. In the begging the closer was said to be part of a traffic study, but with this new information Christie, who could be a contender for the 2016, could be impeached. The lane closures caused emergency vehicles, school buses, and commuters on the bridges for hours. In one case a 91 year old woman died of cardiac arrest in a hospital, and people are saying it could have been avoided in the ambulance was not held up on the bridge and could have arrived faster. Politicians said that using the bridge as a political vendetta is a crime. Also having people use their office position to have a political game is all a crime and if it gets tied back to Christie it is an impeachable thing.  


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Passengers Rescued From Antartic

A helicopter rescued 52 passengers that were trapped on a research ship that has been trapped in the Artic since Christmas Eve. A Chinese helicopter carried the people from the Russian Ship MV Akademik to an Australian icebreaker 12 at a time. The icebreaker will then bring the passengers to an Australian Island, the trip will take roughly two weeks. The 22 crew members aboard the Russian Ship are staying with the boat until the surrounding ice breaks up. The boat is at no risk of sinking and there is at least a week worth of supplies on board. The helicopter rescue came after several failed attempts to reach the vessel, due to strong winds, fog and thick ice. Three icebreakers tried to break the ice around the ship, but they all failed. The closet one of the icebreakers came was 12 miles.
