Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Women Trapped for 6 days

On May 4th Kristin Hopkins a mother of 4 was found and taken to the hospital after being stranded for 6 days trapped in her car. Her car went off a 120ft cliff along Highway 285 and Mrs. Hopkins does not remember any of it. Hopkins had no food or water during the time and when 2 strangers found her and called the ambulance her internal organs were shutting down and her body temperature was at 77 degrees. Both her feet as well we crushed in the accident and doctors had to amputate them. An umbrella might have been what saved her, Hopkins found an umbrella and wrote "hungry, thirsty, need doctor" and shoved it out the window. Mrs. Hopkins is now doing well and has left the hospital.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mothers Day Turns 100

Mothers Day turned 100 this last Sunday. Now a days it is known for brunches, flowers, gifts, ect. However it wasn't originally know for it, it was created as a day for mourning fallen soldiers. It started in the 1850s with Reeves Jarvis, held conventions to increase sanitation and also they tended to wounded soldiers. Anna Jarvis, Reeves daughter, however was the founder of the Mothers Day we are accustomed too today. After her mothers death. On May 10th gathered where Reeves lived and celebrated her death, the tradition began to spread. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson named it an official holiday.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Presidents Cinco De Mayo Party

On the 5th of May in the East Room of the White House, President Obama held reception/party in honor of Cinco De Mayo. He addressed the audience with a speech saying how Cinco De Mayo is an important day in history for Mexico and also the United States. In addition to addressing the historical importance of Cinco de Mayo he said "the best way to honor the past is to build a brighter future." Along with ensuring everyone a fair chance at the "American Dream."  He also said "I'm going to work with everybody who’s serious about strengthening our borders, modernizing our legal immigration system, keeping more families together, and getting this done. And it’s the right thing to do for our economy, for our security and our future."