Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Newlywed wife charged with second-degree murder in death of husband in Montana

On Monday Jordan Linn Graham was charged with second degree murder of her recently married husband.  She was charged with pushing her husband off a cliff in Glacier National Park during an argument, just a week after their marriage. Documents suggest that around the time of the murder Jordan was having second thoughts about their marriage.  Graham says at one point in their argument she turned to leave but Johnson, her husband, grab her arm which she removed and "due to her anger, she pushed Johnson with both hands in the back, and as a result, he fell face first off the cliff" Throughout the investigation Graham has changed her story many times and now admits lying about her husbands death. Johnson's family was not shocked at the news that Graham had killed him because "She’d been telling people she knew she never wanted to be married, she just wanted to have a wedding" says Johnson's family. 


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