Monday, October 21, 2013

Buying breast milk online? It may be contaminated

A new market thanks to the internet is now becoming more popular than ever. Buy/selling breast milk online, women her produce to much and also women in need of it have more opportunities than ever. A first of this kind study although has revealed that there are harmful levels of bacteria and contamination in many of the milk sold online. Researches found that 3/4 or 75% of the milk bought online had harmful levels of bacteria growth. These results are due to poor hygiene by of the person during milk collection, use of unclean containers or pumps and unsafe shipping methods.  It is normal for milk to contain some amounts of bacteria but from this study they discovered unhealthy and potentially harmful amounts. 

  •  72% had any detectable gram-negative bacteria, which are associated with bloodstream infections, wound or surgical site infections, meningitis and fecal contamination, 
  • 63% tested positive for staphylococcus, 
  • 36% tested positive for streptococcus,
  •  3% were contaminated with salmonella

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