Monday, November 25, 2013


The AMA'S, American Music Awards, were hosted last night by Pitbull. Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Rhianna were some of the big winners last night. Rhianna won favorite female R&B/Soul artist, along with that she was presented with the first icon award ever. The icon award symbolizes the 21st century and she has had #1 hits all through the 2000's, basically she is the icon for 21st century music. Other big winners were Taylor Swift who won Artist of the Year, the biggest award of the night, along with Favorite Country Album and Favorite Artist in the Country and Pop/Rock categories. Justin Timberlake also won multiple awards last night, favorite Male Artist in the Pop/Rock and Soul/R&B categories, as well as Favorite Soul/R&B album.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oxford Dictionaries: 'Selfie' is word of the year

The publisher of the Oxford dictionaries said that "selfie" saw a huge jump in usage over the past year. This is reported to be as a result of Twitter and Instagram. Selfie is short for any self-taken photograph. Researches pick a prominent word each year that "reflects the mood of the times". Some other words chosen have been unfriend, credit crunch, carbon footprint, and Sudoku. Selfie appeared to be first used in 2002 as a part of an Australian online forum and now it is most commonly used with a #, to appear as #selfie. Oxford usually picks a separate word for the U.S. and the U.K. but this year selfie seems to be ubiquitous.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Aid for hard-hit areas in Philippians

Tacloban, Philippians desperately needed food and water are only currently be made available to the this city, the hardest hit one. Thousands of victims jammed into the airport to get evacuated. Five days after the hurricane hit aid is first becoming available to a large amount of the areas hit. There are many obstacles in the way of providing aid to the areas that are not major cities.  Even in Tacloban, because of the debris and the they have not been able to get in the level of supply that is needed. President Edwin Lacierda said relief has been good into the cities and supply should increase because of the newly "re-opened" airport.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Indonesian volcano erupts, more than 1,000 forced to flee

Indonesia's Mount Sinabung erupted sunday sending ash into the air and forcing 1,000+ people to leave their homes. The volcano alert status was raised to second highest level after the volcano erupted. People in near by villages such as Sikameriah, Bekerah, Simacem and Nardinding and those within three kilometers radius where told to leave their homes and go to safer places away from the volcano. In September residents were told to evacuate because it had revealed signs of activity. Mount Sinabung is one of the 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Although there is many dangers of living near a volcano, Penn State reports it also has many benefits. The soil is excellent can be used as an ingredient in medicine. Also, Volcanic deposits can be used to make construction materials.

NYU Student Wedged Between Building

Fire Officials rescued a 19 year old NYU student at 6:25 sunday. The victim, Asher Vongtau, was trapped between two buildings for possibly as long as 2 days. A spokesperson for the fire department says that he is in critical condition and is being treated in the Bellevue Hospital. They are uncertain on how she got trapped between a 5 story parking garage and a NYU dorm building. To rescue Vongatu workers had to break through a concrete wall and it took about 90 minutes to get him out of an area 6-18 inches wide. The fire department spokesperson also said that the only way to get in between the buildings is from the roof of one of them.