Monday, November 4, 2013

Indonesian volcano erupts, more than 1,000 forced to flee

Indonesia's Mount Sinabung erupted sunday sending ash into the air and forcing 1,000+ people to leave their homes. The volcano alert status was raised to second highest level after the volcano erupted. People in near by villages such as Sikameriah, Bekerah, Simacem and Nardinding and those within three kilometers radius where told to leave their homes and go to safer places away from the volcano. In September residents were told to evacuate because it had revealed signs of activity. Mount Sinabung is one of the 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Although there is many dangers of living near a volcano, Penn State reports it also has many benefits. The soil is excellent can be used as an ingredient in medicine. Also, Volcanic deposits can be used to make construction materials.

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