Monday, November 25, 2013


The AMA'S, American Music Awards, were hosted last night by Pitbull. Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Rhianna were some of the big winners last night. Rhianna won favorite female R&B/Soul artist, along with that she was presented with the first icon award ever. The icon award symbolizes the 21st century and she has had #1 hits all through the 2000's, basically she is the icon for 21st century music. Other big winners were Taylor Swift who won Artist of the Year, the biggest award of the night, along with Favorite Country Album and Favorite Artist in the Country and Pop/Rock categories. Justin Timberlake also won multiple awards last night, favorite Male Artist in the Pop/Rock and Soul/R&B categories, as well as Favorite Soul/R&B album.

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