Monday, December 9, 2013

Gene Therapy Shows Promise Against Leukemia

Research shows that gene therapy could become a weapon against Leukemia and other blood cancers. This treatment tells certain blood cells to target and kill cancerous blood cells.  About 120 patients, with different blood types, have tried this treatment. For many it has been successful and they have gone into remission. In one study all 5 adults and 19 out of 22 children with ALL, acute lymphocyte leukemia, where treated and cured. Many of the patients in these trials had no other options left because they we no longer candidates for bone marrow transplants or did not want the treatment. Gene therapy is a much needed alternative to fight blood cancers. "cells are working together to attack tumors in an entirely new way," said research leader Dr. Carl June.  A clinical trial that is taking place this coming year could lead to federal approval of the treatment by 2016.

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