Tuesday, December 17, 2013

FDA examining antibacterial soaps, body wash

The FDA announced that makers of antibacterial soaps and body wash will now have to prove that their product is more effective than regular soap. They will also have to prove that it is safe over a long period of time.  They are now saying that companies should have data and information to back up their claim, rather than just make claims. If they do not provide data and information the products will have to either be relabeled or reformulated so that they can stay on the market. Recent studies show a decrease in thyroid hormones with a use of this product, this study tested on rats. Researchers say that antibacterial soap is a good option if soap and water are not available, in the end washing with soap and water is the best option.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Gene Therapy Shows Promise Against Leukemia

Research shows that gene therapy could become a weapon against Leukemia and other blood cancers. This treatment tells certain blood cells to target and kill cancerous blood cells.  About 120 patients, with different blood types, have tried this treatment. For many it has been successful and they have gone into remission. In one study all 5 adults and 19 out of 22 children with ALL, acute lymphocyte leukemia, where treated and cured. Many of the patients in these trials had no other options left because they we no longer candidates for bone marrow transplants or did not want the treatment. Gene therapy is a much needed alternative to fight blood cancers. "cells are working together to attack tumors in an entirely new way," said research leader Dr. Carl June.  A clinical trial that is taking place this coming year could lead to federal approval of the treatment by 2016.  


Monday, November 25, 2013


The AMA'S, American Music Awards, were hosted last night by Pitbull. Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Rhianna were some of the big winners last night. Rhianna won favorite female R&B/Soul artist, along with that she was presented with the first icon award ever. The icon award symbolizes the 21st century and she has had #1 hits all through the 2000's, basically she is the icon for 21st century music. Other big winners were Taylor Swift who won Artist of the Year, the biggest award of the night, along with Favorite Country Album and Favorite Artist in the Country and Pop/Rock categories. Justin Timberlake also won multiple awards last night, favorite Male Artist in the Pop/Rock and Soul/R&B categories, as well as Favorite Soul/R&B album. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oxford Dictionaries: 'Selfie' is word of the year

The publisher of the Oxford dictionaries said that "selfie" saw a huge jump in usage over the past year. This is reported to be as a result of Twitter and Instagram. Selfie is short for any self-taken photograph. Researches pick a prominent word each year that "reflects the mood of the times". Some other words chosen have been unfriend, credit crunch, carbon footprint, and Sudoku. Selfie appeared to be first used in 2002 as a part of an Australian online forum and now it is most commonly used with a #, to appear as #selfie. Oxford usually picks a separate word for the U.S. and the U.K. but this year selfie seems to be ubiquitous.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Aid for hard-hit areas in Philippians

Tacloban, Philippians desperately needed food and water are only currently be made available to the this city, the hardest hit one. Thousands of victims jammed into the airport to get evacuated. Five days after the hurricane hit aid is first becoming available to a large amount of the areas hit. There are many obstacles in the way of providing aid to the areas that are not major cities.  Even in Tacloban, because of the debris and the they have not been able to get in the level of supply that is needed. President Edwin Lacierda said relief has been good into the cities and supply should increase because of the newly "re-opened" airport. 


Monday, November 4, 2013

Indonesian volcano erupts, more than 1,000 forced to flee

Indonesia's Mount Sinabung erupted sunday sending ash into the air and forcing 1,000+ people to leave their homes. The volcano alert status was raised to second highest level after the volcano erupted. People in near by villages such as Sikameriah, Bekerah, Simacem and Nardinding and those within three kilometers radius where told to leave their homes and go to safer places away from the volcano. In September residents were told to evacuate because it had revealed signs of activity. Mount Sinabung is one of the 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Although there is many dangers of living near a volcano, Penn State reports it also has many benefits. The soil is excellent can be used as an ingredient in medicine. Also, Volcanic deposits can be used to make construction materials.


NYU Student Wedged Between Building

Fire Officials rescued a 19 year old NYU student at 6:25 sunday. The victim, Asher Vongtau, was trapped between two buildings for possibly as long as 2 days. A spokesperson for the fire department says that he is in critical condition and is being treated in the Bellevue Hospital. They are uncertain on how she got trapped between a 5 story parking garage and a NYU dorm building. To rescue Vongatu workers had to break through a concrete wall and it took about 90 minutes to get him out of an area 6-18 inches wide. The fire department spokesperson also said that the only way to get in between the buildings is from the roof of one of them.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Buying breast milk online? It may be contaminated

A new market thanks to the internet is now becoming more popular than ever. Buy/selling breast milk online, women her produce to much and also women in need of it have more opportunities than ever. A first of this kind study although has revealed that there are harmful levels of bacteria and contamination in many of the milk sold online. Researches found that 3/4 or 75% of the milk bought online had harmful levels of bacteria growth. These results are due to poor hygiene by of the person during milk collection, use of unclean containers or pumps and unsafe shipping methods.  It is normal for milk to contain some amounts of bacteria but from this study they discovered unhealthy and potentially harmful amounts. 

  •  72% had any detectable gram-negative bacteria, which are associated with bloodstream infections, wound or surgical site infections, meningitis and fecal contamination, 
  • 63% tested positive for staphylococcus, 
  • 36% tested positive for streptococcus,
  •  3% were contaminated with salmonella

Monday, October 14, 2013

Adrian Peterson

Adrian Peterson said that he never even considered sitting out of Sundays game against the Panthers. Peterson's 2 year old son was in the hospital and later died due to injuries that were inflicted by a man who was dating his mother.  The game was suppose to be Adrian's therapy, even though they would lose to the Panthers 35-10. Adrian wouldn't comment on the type of relationship he had with his son but did say ""Anytime you lose a child ... it hurts. I can't describe it. But I've got a good supporting cast surrounding me, and I'll be good."  Police arrested Joseph Patterson, 27, on charges of aggressive assault, and aggressive assault on a infant. Patterson had prior abuse charges on his record and his bond was set at $750,000 before the boys death. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

9 year old sneaks onto plane

Although there is a large number of security measures at airports a 9 year old boy at the Minneapolis/St. Paul was able to sneak onto a Delta airline flight and travel to Las Vegas. The boy is reported to be a runaway from the Minneapolis city district and this is not his first "misadventure." An airline expert says that it shouldn't have been easy for the boy to board the flight. He would have had to pass 3 levels of security, TSA, gate agents, and the flight crew, not to mention that he is also a minor. This is a sign that although airport security has improved since 9/11 their are still "gaping wholes."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

33 Injured After 2 Chicago Transit Authority Trains Collide

More than 30 people were injured on Monday after two trains in Chicago collided on the tracks. The accident happened just after 8am. A train heading westbound had stopped at the Harlem station when an out of service train collided into it.  33 riders were transported to the hospital complaining of neck and back pain, but it has been reported that the injuries are only minor. The out of service train was taken with out authorization and the National Board of Transportation  has taken over the investigation.  Two supervisors who were sitting at the station said they didn't see anyone on the train that collided into the parked west bound train.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reward For Cherry Tree Vandalism

Sometime between 5pm Sept 18th and 5pm Sept 19th 639 Seaquist orchard cherry trees were chopped down.  The trees were cut 1 foot from the ground and seem to have been cut by a pruning loppers. The co-owners step brother Zach Moore there was nothing wrong with the trees when he went to take his dog for a walk in the evening of Sept. 18th. Around 5pm the next day though Seaquists son called him to tell he about the down trees.  Seaquist orchards is offering a 2,000 reward for anyone that has any information leading to the arrest of the person who committed the crime.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Miss America

Last night, 9/15/2013, a new Ms. America was crowned. Nina Davuluri is her name and she was crowned Ms. New York previously. The major controversy that has recently come upabout her is that she is from Indian decent. Although she is not the first Asian-American to be crowned this has struck a chord on some people. Some tweets are calling her and Arab and a terrorist. Davuluri is quoted saying " “I have to rise above that. I always viewed myself as first and foremost American.”  Dauluri is a Syracuse native that hopes to become a doctor with the help of the 50,000 dollar scholarship she wins as a result of becoming Miss America. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Newlywed wife charged with second-degree murder in death of husband in Montana

On Monday Jordan Linn Graham was charged with second degree murder of her recently married husband.  She was charged with pushing her husband off a cliff in Glacier National Park during an argument, just a week after their marriage. Documents suggest that around the time of the murder Jordan was having second thoughts about their marriage.  Graham says at one point in their argument she turned to leave but Johnson, her husband, grab her arm which she removed and "due to her anger, she pushed Johnson with both hands in the back, and as a result, he fell face first off the cliff" Throughout the investigation Graham has changed her story many times and now admits lying about her husbands death. Johnson's family was not shocked at the news that Graham had killed him because "She’d been telling people she knew she never wanted to be married, she just wanted to have a wedding" says Johnson's family. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

US Naval Academy Sexual Assault Hearing Nears End

3 former navy football players allegedly sexually assault a women at a party on April 2012. The victim said that she was drinking heavily that night and doesn't have any clear recollection of the events that occurred that night. She says she doesn't remember having sex with the men but started to get concerned when she started hearing rumors Navy investigators are set to testify Tuesday, which is a week after the hearing began. Over the trial more than 100 interviews have been conducted as well as 20-30 midshipmen interviewed at least twice. This case has drawn has drawn the attention of the White House because of the recent focus on the issue of sexual assault in the military. 
